28 Mar 25 Sam Shaw
You’d have to have been living on a desert island to have not heard the word ‘tariff’ in the past year as the US president has made the global trade device a central pillar of his masterplan to ‘Make America Great Again’.
As Donald Trump’s focus this week turned to the auto sector, Chancellor Rachel Reeves warned of a possible trade war as she continues “intense” negotiations with the US administration.
Whether it proves to be naïve to suggest the UK could escape unscathed remains to be seen.
This week, we run through some of the basics of what these policies are, how they work and what they might mean for you.
26 Mar 25 Sam Shaw
While several headline announcements were well-trailed in the run-up to today’s Spring Statement, we always watch and listen keenly, just in case the Chancellor pulls any proverbial rabbits out of the hat.
Read on for a summary of the main points made by Rachel Reeves this afternoon (Wednesday 26th March).
21 Mar 25 Sam Shaw
Are you a ‘spring clean’ type?
This time of year can prompt some people to tidy up their life admin. And our finances are usually a prime target.
Read on for a few hints and ideas to give your finances a refresh.
14 Mar 25 Sam Shaw
We recently reminded you that this month was Free Wills Month – the twice-yearly campaign to encourage more people to make sure their wishes are taken care of after they die.
Related to this important subject, we thought it was also worth sharing a bit of understanding around the various types of power of attorney (PoA).
07 Mar 25 Sam Shaw
This Saturday (8 th March) marks International Women’s Day (IWD), the long-standing initiative to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women around the world, while also serving to promote action to achieve gender parity in multiple spheres.
This year, the theme for the campaign is ‘Accelerate Action’.
Look around you. What steps – small or big – will you take to support, promote or appreciate the talents and achievements of the women in your world?
With this prompt, we’re taking some time to look at the progress being made in UK boardrooms, celebrate the achievements of some leading female fund managers and highlight some of the standout women running some of our selected list of respected Focus Funds.
28 Feb 25 Sam Shaw
It’s time once again for us to help raise awareness of Free Wills Month, the biannual campaign to raise awareness of the importance of making a will.
Around half of UK adults have made a will – have you? If not, why not?
In a slight departure from us reminding you to review your investments, offer updates on the latest changes to the pensions landscape or generally sharing a view on the markets, it’s time to shine a light on this important aspect of your financial affairs – whatever your age.
21 Feb 25 Sam Shaw
Off the back of launching our annual investment guide, we thought it was worth a recap on where you’ve all been invested over the past year, to the end of January.
At sector level, the US has dominated inflows while the more specific themes have included, unsurprisingly, technology and a keener interest in India.
Read on for a few headlines, some fund names to read around and a bit of context from the funds trade body, the Investment Association.
07 Feb 25 Sam Shaw
Last week we shed some light on the recent state of UK dividend health. For many of you, dividends may be a crucial element in your investment decision making.
But dividends are just one of the ways companies can use their profits or excess capital generated.
We thought it was worth a recap the importance of dividends, how they differ from share buybacks, and understanding different companies’ approaches to allocating their capital.
31 Jan 25 Sam Shaw
Do you invest for income? Whether you take your regular income payments or roll them back into your investments to bolster returns, we felt it was worth sharing some headlines from a latest reporting looking at this area of the market.
24 Jan 25 Sam Shaw
You may or may not have caught some snippets from the historic inauguration ceremony on Monday, traditional held on the front steps of the Capitol in Washington DC but moved inside due to the cold weather.
If you did, you could be forgiven for thinking some of the news clips were from a big tech conference rather than a political service, with CEOs Elon Musk of X, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Alphabet’s Sundar Pinchai, Apple’s Tim Cook and Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg among the attendees.
Its celebrity contingent included country singer Carrie Underwood, podcast host and UFC commentator Joe Rogan, boxer Logan Paul and comedian Theo Von.
Former presidents Bush, Clinton, Obama and Biden, as expected, joined the crowds to witness Donald Trump being sworn in as the 47 th President of the United States of America (POTUS). Former First Lady Michelle Obama was notably absent.
But what of policy? We give a run through of some of the immediate headline announcements.
Some of these may come in immediately, other may never see the light of day. Some will affect the way we look at the world and our investments, others we’ll steer well clear of as Britons. In any case, we figured it was worth a look at what may come down the line. .
17 Jan 25 Sam Shaw
Welcome to our latest overview of the last quarter of global market performance.
This week’s article scans the major stock markets, what was happening with bonds in line with the broader macroeconomic picture, as well as one or two key news items that dominated proceedings at the end of 2024.
10 Jan 25 Sam Shaw
After the sparkle of the festive magic has waned, the tree and tinsel have been tidied away and the cold mundanity of January sets in, some of us have to face a tougher reality than others.
The first Monday in January has become known as ‘Divorce Day’, rather depressingly, it’s the day when many law firms notice a clear uptick in divorce-related enquiries.
Let’s have a look at some of the noteworthy points as regards your finances, in case this relates to you or a loved one.
03 Jan 25 Sam Shaw
Welcome back. We hope you had a lovely festive break and are feeling rested, sated and ready to face the year ahead.
We understand you’re probably churning through a raft of emails in your new year inbox, so we’ll keep this week’s blog short and sweet.
Happy new year – let’s hope it’s a good one.
20 Dec 24 Sam Shaw
As we prepare to take a break for a few days, tuck ourselves up or get out and about, spend time with family and friends or simply carry on as ‘normal’, we’re all getting ready to wave goodbye to 2024.
I often find it bewildering just how much can happen in 12 short months, so let’s cast our eyes back and remember some of the highs, lows and thought-provoking moments we’ve shared with you over the past year through our Insights articles.
13 Dec 24 Sam Shaw
Tough times lie ahead for UK businesses, as the economy looks set to limp along, albeit steadily.
We thought it was worth looking at what some of the leading indicators are telling us we might expect as we prepare to close out another year.
06 Dec 24 Sam Shaw
Many of us get stuck in our ways. The ways we think about our lives, the future, our wellbeing and life goals. Do we all share the same ambitions or are things more nuanced?
This week we caught up with one of Morningstar’s senior behavioural insights researchers, hearing how we might set, redefine and review our financial goals and how they overlap with the way we might invest.
29 Nov 24 Sam Shaw
Last month, the financial regulator shone its spotlight on illegal ‘finfluencers’ – financial influencers touting financial services products illegally on social media.
We’ve been talking about the rise of finfluencers a lot at Willis Owen HQ and thought it was worth a quick note on who these people are, why some might be doing more harm than good and share a few things to bear in mind.
21 Nov 24 Sam Shaw
It’s that time of year again, where our TV ad breaks, inboxes and high streets are full of promotional messages, inviting us to save while spending, in turn supporting the UK retail sector.
Yes, this time next week it’s ‘Black Friday’.
Some of you will have your lists ready to hit the sales, perhaps getting your festive shopping nailed down and saving in the process. Some of you will certainly want to shut your eyes (and wallets!) and ignore all the consumerist attention this annual event highlights.
Maybe the hype has you thinking about ‘retail’ in a different way, inspiring you to revisit some investment opportunities from all that consumer activity?
15 Nov 24 Sam Shaw
In recent months we’ve witnessed political history being made.
Rachel Reeves’ Budget speech last month opened by shining a light on the fact she was the UK’s very first female Chancellor of the Exchequer.
If US vice president Kamala Harris had won the race to the Oval Office, she would have become America’s first woman president. It was not to be this time, but maybe one day…
So, we thought it was timely to write about women in leadership across business, politics and finance.
Despite an industry-wide focus on pushing diversity and inclusion higher up the agenda, fewer than 10% of fund managers today are women.
In this article we hear from and about some of the women smashing through that proverbial glass ceiling, as many of us sit wondering why it’s even still there.
08 Nov 24 Sam Shaw
Following a dramatic election campaign, Republican nominee Donald Trump has reclaimed the White House in an historic second non-consecutive term – the first person to do so since 1897.
We’ve gathered some views on what we might expect, market reaction and expectations, while sharing a few reminders to not let politics sway your long-term investment decisions.
31 Oct 24 Sam Shaw
On Wednesday we shared some of the top headlines from the bumper Budget. Today we dive into some more of the detail, with what it could mean for you.
There are bound to be winners and losers, as with any fiscal statement, and some of the tipped measures may never see the light of day. But Labour was voted in with the task of effecting change, and, as the Government has reiterated: “Change must be felt”.
30 Oct 24 Sam Shaw
Today, Chancellor Rachel Reeves delivered her first Budget. In what was the first since Labour returned to Government, measures included raising tax by £40bn in an effort to rebalance the books. /p>
Here we’ve summarised the key announcements from his statement, we hope you’ll read with interest.
25 Oct 24 Sam Shaw
You’d have to have been living under a rock the past couple of months to have escaped the leaks and warning shots about the “painful” Budget that will be unveiled next Wednesday (30th October).
As with previous editions featuring ‘the big red book’ – be they Autumn or Spring-timed fiscal statements – our team at Willis Owen will be delivering the headlines on the day, and undoubtedly with a follow-up piece or two, should they feel warranted.
For now, we wanted to share a top-line sweep of the main areas to look out for, that may relate to your saving and investment accounts, held with Willis Owen or elsewhere.
14 Oct 24 Sam Shaw
It’s that time again. Yet we’re taking a bit of a shorter whistlestop tour than usual as we look at this past quarter of market performance.
As elections and Budget-related activity are driving much of the news agenda across major markets, we’ll keep things fairly brief.
We hope you find the review of the past three months interesting, and it helps make sense of some of the performance you may have witnessed in your own investments.
11 Oct 24 Sam Shaw
You’ll see that we’ve mentioned various investment styles in our Insights articles and investment guides over the years.
One style that comes up from time to time is that of contrarian investing.
Here we explain what it means and how some of your chosen investments might feature this particular style of going against the herd.
04 Oct 24 Sam Shaw
A few weeks ago, we shared an article that looked at a style of investing known as ‘top-down’. This is where the macroeconomic picture provides the starting point for a professional investor’s decisions, determining how they manage their portfolios.
This week, we look at its counterpart, referred to as ‘bottom-up’ investing.
27 Sep 24 Sam Shaw
Recent months have seen pensions fall into many a planned reform by the Labour government, pushing them rapidly onto our collective radar.
In September, pensions have been front and centre for many across our industry – and perhaps for many of you.
The pensions industry and governing bodies have rolled out several campaigns. Even the occasional celebrity has got involved (we’re looking at YOU, Gemma Collins!). These different factions have joined forces to remind us all of the importance of pensions: starting one; increasing your contributions; finding old ones to bring together; or just checking in to make sure yours is doing what it set out to do.
We’ve pulled together some interesting stats, facts and reminders that may prove useful for you – wherever you’re at in preparing for your retirement.
20 Sep 24 Sam Shaw
Fund managers typically adopt different styles of investing that play to their particular strengths or areas of interest.
Over the coming weeks, we’re sharing a brief overview of some popular investment styles and how they might play out in some of the funds you hold. This week – top-down investing.
13 Sep 24 Sam Shaw
While investing in the world’s second-largest economy can offer interesting investment opportunities reaching far beyond those presented by developed markets, it can also bring a different set of risks.
In this week’s article, we’ve laid out the arguments for and against investing in the region and what investors might expect as we look to the end of the year.
06 Sep 24 Sam Shaw
India is one of the fastest-growing major economies in the world and has been enjoying its longest-ever stock market rally this year.
In this week’s article, we’ll look at what’s been driving some of that performance, some reasons whether or not this positive run may continue and some key considerations when investing in the vast region.
30 Aug 24 Sam Shaw
Let’s be honest, weather-wise it’s not felt too much like summer has hit much of the country. But some of you may be squeezing out these last vestiges of the season before the days start to draw in by keeping your mind turned to holidays.
Was this last Bank Holiday of the year a final weekender before the kids go back to school? Are you making the most of a staycation local to where you live? Maybe you’re starting to think about your next break in the hope for some winter sun.
This week’s article looks at a few fun facts, tips and ideas for holiday budgeting, hopefully helping you stretch your money a little further.
23 Aug 24 Sam Shaw
Whether you are invested directly in an actively managed US-focused fund or your exposure comes via a global tracker, you’ll undoubtedly touch North American investments to some degree at some point during your investing lifespan.
So, with the Democratic National Convention taking place this week, we took the prompt to take a look at the investment prospects for the US.
An election won’t necessarily influence what happens with investment markets but they do present themes that land on our radar as a result.
12 Aug 24 Sam Shaw
We’ve talked about pensions reform before and various announcements since the Starmers took residence at 10 Downing Street suggest the pace of said reform will be fast and carefully considered, rather than furious.
From the King’s Speech announcing a surprise pensions bill to Chancellor Rachel Reeves being inspired by Canada’s model for scheme consolidation, there’s a lot pension savers can look forward to – if they manage to pull it off.
We’ll likely hear more specific plans in the Autumn Budget, but for now, we’ve detailed the major headlines and how the pensions-related services we offer alongside those announcements might help.
07 Aug 24 Sam Shaw
We’ve written before about the wide ‘gap’ many Britons face between the levels of pension savings and the amounts needed when they eventually reach retirement.
Hopefully, your pension savings plans are firmly on track but if you’re wondering whether you’re putting enough away, or unsure what your financial need may look like into retirement, the following article will likely be of interest.
02 Aug 24 Sam Shaw
Many of our customers are investing to generate additional income – either to boost their living expenditures or to reinvest, bolstering their investment growth prospects through the power of compounding.
In either case, we expect you may find an overview of the state of the UK dividend market useful from time to time.
We therefore hope you read this week’s piece with interest, whatever your current investment objectives.
26 Jul 24 Sam Shaw
Many of us have become increasingly cost-conscious in recent years.
Shaving off a few pence and pounds here and there can make a big difference to your overall financial picture. And the same applies to your investments.
While most of our customers favour traditional funds, more retail money – that is invested by individual people for their personal gains rather than institutional money – that invested on behalf of governments and the corporate world, is flowing into ETFs.
In this article we explore some key features of these cost-effective investment funds and point you to other helpful resources.
19 Jul 24 Amar Patel
This look back at Q2 is a chance for our investment analysts to demonstrate their expertise; sharing insights and opinions honed through the course of their research and engagement with the broader fund management sector.
Whether new intel or familiar ground, we aim to make your investing life easier by bringing everything together in one place.
These market review pieces cover the major markets, leading asset classes and some highlights over individual share performance, where they are listed in the UK.
You can use this commentary to help inform the decisions you make around your own investments – whether ISA, GIA or SIPP accounts, as a mere sense-check or perhaps inform some fresh ideas for your portfolio. When doing so please remember that the value of investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invested.
12 Jul 24 Sam Shaw
As promised, we’ve dedicated a few weeks’ worth of blog content to taking things back to basics – in particular the types of investment vehicles we offer on Willis Owen’s platform.
We recognise that most of our customers head straight for open-ended funds when they invest. But is that because you aren’t clear on the features of the other options?
Have you considered investment trusts? Read on for a run-through of how these alternatives to mainstream funds work and where they might make useful additions to your overall investment mix.
05 Jul 24 Sam Shaw
How do you like to access the stock market? Are you an individual stock picker or do you leave it to the experts and buy funds?
Maybe you like to do a bit of both. Whichever your approach, we’ve got you covered.
Here we take things back to basics with a few reminders of things investors in shares ought to understand.
28 Jun 24 Sam Shaw
Who are you planning to vote for next Thursday?
As the major parties have been pounding the pavements on their campaign trails the past few weeks, have they caught your attention? Still undecided or are you an unwavering party loyalist?
We’re not political commentators, clearly but we thought it would be worth a quick round-up of the main contenders and what investors might expect regarding their financial affairs, depending on the outcome.
21 Jun 24 Sam Shaw
There are some basic ‘rules of thumb’ worth following for most mainstream investors – don’t keep all your eggs in one basket, take a medium-to-long term view, make sure you’re not taking on more risk than you are comfortable with (or can afford to lose if the worst happens) and so on.
Yet when you get past the basic principles, investing can be quite a personal experience. From the reasons why people start investing in the first place, to the factors influencing their choices, everyone will have a slightly different story to tell.
Here we run through another perspective that relates to taking different approaches – this week looking at the various vehicles available on our platform.
14 Jun 24 Sam Shaw
We’ve been writing in recent weeks about the benefits of diversification and not keeping all your eggs in one basket.
This spreading of risk can be achieved in various ways, and one of those comes down to asset allocation. All this means is blending multiple asset classes – shares, bonds, cash, etc – to work together so that your overall investment ‘portfolio’ is more well-balanced.
In theory, this should protect your money from wild upward or downward swings in either direction at any one time.
Whether this is something you’re already doing and you’d welcome a sense-check or perhaps you’d appreciate seeing the benefits of a wider asset choice, we hope this article is of interest.
07 Jun 24 Sam Shaw
It’s easy to keep fishing in the same waters, isn’t it? You usually know what to expect.
We understand there is a strong case for investing in the UK currently. Our government keeps telling us about the growth opportunity; the markets tell us there are great companies to be found at discounted prices; and you – our customers – certainly seem to believe so, if your hefty allocations towards UK companies are anything to go by.
But what about the alternatives? Consider the impact – positive or negative – on your investments by introducing more exposure to different regions.
We’re not making any such recommendation, but just here to remind you there’s a bigger pond out there in which to fish – if it suits your circumstances to do so.
30 May 24 Sam Shaw
We appreciate that everyone invests for different purposes, using various approaches and types of investments to achieve their objectives.
At Willis Owen, we’re all about choice.
So if you’re someone who needs a little more support, likes to receive ideas from time to time, or prefer to go it alone, we’ve got a route for all preferences.
Perhaps you’ve been investing for a while or maybe you’re just getting started – but whether this is new information or a welcome refresher, we hope you find something of interest.
24 May 24 Sam Shaw
Whenever there are economic meetings hitting the headlines, it prompts us to look at the effect on different aspects of our investment portfolios.
Levels of economic and geopolitical uncertainty are twin forces making the current environment particularly challenging for fixed income (bond) investing, because making predictions is so hard.
17 May 24 Sam Shaw
As we’ve mentioned before, as our preferred research partner, we often look towards Morningstar’s vast expertise to help us delve into the detail around certain prominent investment themes.
This week, we caught up with Lindsey Stewart, director of investment stewardship research at the research and ratings provider, to chat through some of the themes that came up during his regulatory panel discussion at the group’s annual conference a couple of weeks ago.
The regulator’s new sustainability disclosure requirements (SDR) and labelling regime for products boasting claims around sustainability and environmental, social and governance (ESG) credibility was a key area of focus.
10 May 24 Edward Johnson
On Thursday (9 th May) the Bank of England held its latest Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting, setting out its latest views on where the economy is heading and how it plans to tackle inflation, given the many headwinds currently being faced.
While we never suggest anyone make changes to their long-term investments based solely on short-term announcements, economic news items are important variables that may affect aspects of your own financial situation, so it’s good to be informed.
03 May 24 Sam Shaw
What’s your view of the proposed British ISA? Is it an appealing idea or are you satisfied with the range of ISAs already available?
Here we run through some of the pros, cons and considerations of the government’s latest ISA innovation.
24 Apr 24 Sam Shaw
We understand the temptation to ease any financial burden today by borrowing from your future self. But it’s also important to know the repercussions of doing so.
This week’s article looks at some of the questions to ask yourself if you’re thinking about dipping into savings designed for the longer term.
17 Apr 24 Sam Shaw
We talk about investment objectives a lot in this line of work. Personal goals and financial objectives, yes, but also the more specific ways in which people invest at a certain time in their life.
Everyone’s goals are different but from a technical standpoint, investing in general falls into two broad strategies. One is about growing and the other about enabling withdrawals, and you can think about these two approaches in different ways.
11 Apr 24 Amar Patel
Welcome to the first instalment of our quarterly market review for 2024; the chance for our expert investment research analysts to showcase the intel, insights and opinions they build throughout the year.
Some of this may be new news, some of it will have been well covered. By bringing everything together in one place, we hope will make your life easier. We’ve looked at the major markets, leading asset classes and – in the case of the UK – offer some highlights over individual share performance.
Our aim is that you can use this commentary to help inform the decisions you make around your own investments (whether ISA, GIA or SIPP accounts), as a sense-check or to shape some ideas from a new perspective.
05 Apr 24 Sam Shaw
Several aspects of personal finance typically come into focus as we move from one tax year into the next. Are you on top of all your tax breaks or have you left things to the last minute (again)?
We’ve offered a few suggestions that tend to rear their heads at this time of year, which we hope you’ll find useful – today or over the coming 12 months.
26 Mar 24 Amar Patel
Artificial Intelligence (AI) was the story of 2023 in equity markets as several companies linked to AI saw huge increases in their share price. Experts believe that AI could be a significant paradigm shift, which some say could have the same impact on the global economy as when electricity was first invented. AI means different things to different people and in this article, we will explain what AI is and the investment opportunities there are in this global megatrend.