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Cash interest explained

You will receive interest on balances in your platform cash account at the prevailing rate.

Embark Investment Services Limited acts as the custodian for investments on the Willis Owen platform and is one of our strategic partners that provides our Willis Owen ISA, GIA, Junior ISA and SIPP.

Embark places cash with a number of banking partners for safekeeping and to provide the potential for you to earn interest on money in your platform cash account. By managing cash in this way, it aims to provide better protection and a higher overall level of interest than if all funds were placed with a single bank.

The rates of interest paid by banks will vary. Embark retains a portion of the interest earned to cover its costs in managing platform cash.

Current Interest Rate

The table below shows the current customer interest rate payable on cash balances along with the amount of interest retained by Embark. The customer interest rate shown is that after accounting for interest retained by Embark:

Date From Customer Interest Rate Interest retained by Embark
25th March 2024 2.46% 1.75% - 2.00%

Embark can change the rate of interest at any time and it reviews the position at least quarterly. Interest is calculated and accrued daily and is credited to your account on the first of each month. If you transfer out, accrued interest is applied at the point of transfer. We will inform you if and when the interest rate changes as soon as is practicable.

Interest retained

The table below shows the yearly equivalent rates of interest Embark expects to pay based on a range of possible yearly interest rates it may earn.

Interest Embark expects to earn Customer Interest Rate Interest retained by Embark
0-1% 0 – 0.46% 0 – 0.54%
1-2% 0.46% – 0.94% 0.54% – 1.06%
2-3% 0.94% – 1.46% 1.06% – 1.54%
3-4% 1.46% – 2.02% 1.54% – 1.98%
4-5% 2.02% – 2.61% 1.98% – 2.39%
5%+ 2.61%+ 2.39%+

Historic Interest Rates

To see details of historic customer interest rates, along with the amount of interest retained by Embark, click here.

Meet Yasmin Davies

Yasmin Davies

I started my career within the financial and banking industry working for The Co-Operative and Barclays Bank, where I gained experience and knowledge about various financial products and services.

It was during this time that I truly understood the intricacies of the industry and developed a strong commitment to providing exceptional customer service. I have always had a deep love for finance and a genuine passion for helping people, which is why I feel right at home at Willis Owen as it is a company that focuses on meeting customers' needs while maintaining strong relationships and strong company morals.

When I was initially contacted by Willis Owen, I took the time to delve into the company's background and ethos. It became evident that they shared my same passion and dedication to prioritising customer satisfaction while maintaining an amazing work environment. This made me feel confident in deciding to join their team as we all share the same goal.

Outside of work, I attempt to be a social butterfly. I enjoy going for walks and just being in nature, which is hard to do in London and, for some reason, I have an obsession with the moon - my camera roll is evidence of that as I have no more storage due to the number of excessive pictures I take daily.

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